Sunday, September 8বাংলারবার্তা২১-banglarbarta21

The fires are historic on March 7 today

Md. Shakil Ahmed: March 7 is a unique historical day for the country. A unique day in the history of the freedom struggle and liberation war of the Bengali nation. On this day in 1971, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stood in the huge crowd at Suhrawardy Udyan (then Racecourse Maidan) and called for the freedom struggle of Bangladesh.
Today is the historic 7th of March

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in the presence of millions of freedom-loving people, this great leader thunderously declared, ‘When I have given blood, I will give more blood, I will set the people of this country free, InshaAllah. This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom

The Bengali nation got the direction of independence with this provocative declaration of Bangabandhu on March 7, 1971 to unite the freedom loving people. After that the freedom-loving people of the country started preparing for the final battle from house to house. At this thunderous sound of Bangabandhu, the Bengali nation became excited with the joy of the coming great liberation. For centuries, the exploited and deprived Bengalis have stepped forward with the firm determination of steel to achieve the desired liberation.

After Bangabandhu’s March 7th speech, all levels of Bengalis, including students, peasants and workers, laid the foundation for the formation of Bengali nationalism, sense of nationalism and nationhood through 23 years of struggle against the state of Pakistan formed in 1947 on the basis of religious thought, communalism and bi-ethnicity. Prepared for the war of liberation to achieve independence.Responding to Bangabandhu’s call, the Bengali nation won the 9-month armed liberation war against the Pakistani aggressors and snatched victory on 16 December 1971. With this victory, independent and sovereign Bangladesh was born on the world map.

On that day, the heart-pounding historic March 7, Bangabandhu’s speech, the sea of ​​people roared. The red-green flag emblazoned with the map of Bangladesh fluttered in the drunken spring air on that day with the arrogance of millions of people chanting slogans. Millions of swearing thunderbolts rose in the sky. On that day Bangabandhu ascended the stage at 3:20 pm. Fagun’s sun is still on his head. After reaching the stage, he waved to the crowd.

Then the whole Suhrawardy Udyan became the slogan of millions of Bengalis, ‘Your country, my country, Bangladesh, Bangladesh, your leader, my leader, Sheikh Mujib, Sheikh Mujib’. He started his speech in a loud voice, ‘My brothers, today I have appeared before you with a sad heart ….’ Then, standing in the crowd, the poet of the epic of Bengali and Bengali independence declared- The struggle is the struggle for freedom.

This speech of only 19 minutes of the last child of Bengal, the only leader of the then 80 million Bengalis. In this short time he has painted the whole canvas of history. He called for the repeal of martial law, the transfer of power to elected representatives of the people, the withdrawal of the army from barracks and the formation of a judicial commission to investigate the killings.

On that day, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu said, ‘My brothers, I do not want the prime ministership, I want the rights of the people. He could not take me by showing greed for the post of Prime Minister. Couldn’t hang on the gallows. You brought me out of the conspiracy case with blood. That day at this racecourse I said, I will repay the blood debt with blood. I am still ready to repay the blood debt with blood. ‘

Sheikh Mujib further said, “I would like to say that from today, all courts, high courts, Supreme Courts, offices, courts and educational institutions will be closed indefinitely.” No employee will go to the office. This is my instruction. ‘

The last two sentences of the speech of the great leader, the guardian of the nation, Bangabandhu, which later became the tool of direction and inspiration for the final struggle of the Bengalis for independence. Bangabandhu said, ‘When I have given blood, I will give more blood. I will release the people of this country InshaAllah. This time the struggle is for our liberation, this time the struggle is for freedom. Joybangla ‘

Tofail Ahmed, an adviser to the Bangladesh Awami League and present at the meeting that day, said that the 16-minute speech that Bangabandhu gave with his glasses on the dias was completely unwritten. On the one hand, he imposed four conditions on the Pakistanis, on the other hand, he asked them to build forts from house to house. He said to kill in rice, he said to kill in water.

Mr. Tofail Ahmed further said, “I went to Bangabandhu’s house before March 7. One told him that the people would not obey without declaring complete independence. Bangabandhu said to him, you do your job. I am their leader, I will lead them, they are not me.

Mesbah Kamal, a professor of history, highlighted the excellence of Bangabandhu’s speech on March 7 in a thunderous voice. Many people write Bangladesh in different places by deleting the word East Pakistan. He said that after this speech the whole country continued under the direction of Bangabandhu. This speech united the whole of Bangladesh except a few razakars.

According to civil society and political experts in the history of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu’s speech is not just a call for the Bengali nation to jump into the liberation struggle. This is the direction for all nations to jump into the liberation struggle.

This March 7th speech brought the independence of Bengal very close and encouraged the Bengalis to go to war. So the nation will keep this day in gold forever.

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